How to build a newsletter system from scratch


We haven’t sent many announcements, marketing or notification emails. The only emails most customers would have received would be an account activation email and monthly invoices.

The reason for that is we didn’t have a good way to track customer preferences, nor did we want to share customer information with a third-party email service. Therefore, we set out to build our own. This post is a summary of how it works.

Kubernetes v1.31

We decided to start with three separate newsletters:

We’re thinking about implementing a fourth one called “audit” that would include significant account activity (logins, resource creation/destruction), but we need to do a bit more design thinking on that one first.

The first step is to provide a way for customers to self-manage their preferences. Doing this manually would be too time-consuming and error-prone, so we implemented a section in the customer portal that allows subscribing/unsubscribing at will. It’s easy to see what you’re subscribed to at any given time.

The second step is to ensure that all emails have a few key ingredients:

The unsubscribe backend is pretty simple. All unsubscribe emails arrive at a dedicated email address. We only need to parse two fields: the from field and the subject field since the subject contains enough information to determine which (or all) lists to unsubscribe from. The process then updates the same preferences that the user has self-service access to in the portal.

We ended up rolling our own email sending infrastructure. In addition to the required ingredients mentioned above, our email tool queries subscribers for a certain list and forms an email with the desired content. We don’t do any kind of “merge” process to insert a name in the greeting–our experience is that most companies don’t do this very well, particularly when they send emails outside of their own country or native language, and “first name” isn’t specific information we ask of customers anyway.

If you have any ideas or feedback, get in touch!

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